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About me
I am a retired Engineer from Ottawa, Canada. I got into astronomy in 2012 and have owned various instruments ranging from Refractors, Maks, Reflectors and binoculars. I got into astrophotography in 2021 after moving to a high-rise building and realizing that visual astronomy from the city core was too frustrating. From home, I mostly use an Ha modified DSLR or an ASI533MM pro with various filters and fast camera lenses ranging from 16mm to 300mm. I use these lenses to capture data fast since I have a limited view from my high-rise balcony (2 to 3 hours per session). All of this rides on an EQ AZ-GTE with guiding (ASIAIR). All of my processing is done with Siril, Gimp, Starnet++ and Topaz Suite. Telescope live is my new addition that allows me to image targets I can't see from home or that are too small for my modest equipment.