One of the key questions in modern cosmology is determining the precise value of the Hubble parameter (H₀), which describes the linear relationship between an object's recession velocity and its distance.
A team has investigated over 26,000 white dwarfs, confirming the predicted trend that hotter white dwarfs are slightly puffier than cooler ones, even at the same mass.
Relative to solar-system timescales, Saturn’s rings are believed to be quite young, estimated to be only 100–400 million years old. This estimate is based on the remarkable purity of the material composing the rings.
I have been fascinated by the night sky since I ‘discovered’ Saturn with my 60mm refractor at the age of 10. An APOD-winning astrophotographer, I have been published in Sky & Telescope, Astronomy Magazine, and As a NASA Solar System Ambassador, I have conducted thousands of public outreach programs and am a registered cruise ship speaker on astronomy and space science, as well as a Director of the Phoenix Astronomical Society. I frequently post astrophotography images, news, and tutorials on social media. My solar imaging and videos are particularly popular, and I have conducted extensive research on solar cameras and solar image processing techniques.