AIC 2022 Journal - What a Great Event It Was!

aic 2022 cover

Some weeks have already passed since the 2022 edition of the Advanced Imaging Conference (AIC), but its memories are still fresh here at Telescope Live!

Telescope Live Team

It was an incredible event, with such great speeches from some of the world's best astrophotographers (for sure of the US!).

Our tutor Adam Block's speech

But also the exhibitors had plenty of interesting and exciting new features and equipment presented during the conference.

After two years of restrictions due to the pandemic, for us, it has been such a great way to restart the season of live events!

Especially because it was in this very same place where everything started for us back in 2019

It has been wonderful to meet some of our users who became Telescope Live' subscribers precisely during this very same occasion, as it has been super exciting to meet in person for the first time other people who started using our platform in the most recent time.

The exchange of views with our clients is always a great enhancer of our service, and having the possibility to chat face to face with them was super!

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We gathered a lot of helpful feedback that will soon be transformed into future implementation to improve the user experience even more.

We have collected some of this feedback and want to share it with you.
Adam Block
Peter Jenkins
Ron Yelton
Ron Grafron

Thanks to all those who came to visit us and thanks also to the staff who organised such a magnificent event!

Hope to see you soon at the next event :)