Telescope Live
El Sauce Observatory and the Southern Skies of Chile

Our flagship El Sauce Observatory located in the Rio Hurtardo Valley, Chile, provides the best skies to make use of our telescopes located there. At an altitude of 1570m this observatory sees minimal interference throughout the year with over 300 clear nights a year.
The telescopes at El Sauce Observatory provide the highest SNR data to Telescope Live making this site the ideal location for all astrophotography and scientific observing in the southern hemisphere.
Chile is home to several large scientific projects. It serves as the base for the Very Large Telescopes located in the Atacama Desert. Closer to El Sauce observatory is NASA’s Gemini South observatory located on the Cerro Pachón, a stone’s throw away from El Sauce. This gives great testimony to the quality of the skies and prime positioning for scientific observing.
With that said, El Sauce Observatory allows for a fantastic coverage of the Southern Hemisphere ideal for any astrophotographer to indulge in a region of the sky that most never have the opportunity to observe.
Telescope Live currently offers 3 telescopes to observe with from at El Sauce Observatory, CHI-1 is a Planewave CDK 24 has the perfect combination of aperture and equipment and is a sure-fire success for any astrophotography projects. CHI-2 is our largest aperture scope on the network, at an enormous 1m it provides the highest light gathering power and will capture even the feintest of objects. CHI-3 is an ASA 50cm with large field of view, a solid workhorse on the network and while it is the smallest reflector on the network it is much larger than the average amateur owned telescope and provides excellent imaging, nevertheless.
All of these telescopes are available to any user of the Telescope Live network, it’s free to sign up and with both pay-as-you-go and subscription models it’s an excellent addition for any astrophotographer.