How Telescope Live 2.0 Will Be The New Home For Astrophotography


A few days ago, I introduced you to the revolution Telescope Live is going through and I also promised you more updates on each specific change we are working on.

For this reason, today I am going to present to you one aspect that we have studied in detail and that have been implemented; I’m talking about the Community Development.

You see, the reason why I want to guide you through the details of this topic first, is the direct consequence of a conversation we had with famous astrophotographer, Adam Block.

Given his experience as a renowned astrophotographer, Adam is one of our most advanced users and we deeply value his opinions and suggestions.

So, when we asked him how to improve our platform, he told us something that we subconsciously knew but that we never fully realized before… 

He told us that astrophotographers are people that are often moved and motivated by the need to share with the world their experiences, images and observations, knowledge, techniques, and discoveries.

He told us that “you guys are very generous and that you love to share with the rest of the world our common passion: astrophotography.”

We understood that the community aspect needed an incredible boost.

This led us to include a lot of new features in Telescope Live 2.0. that will allow you to connect to a deeper level with your fellow space-lovers.

But let’s see what we have done in order to achieve this very ambitious objective:

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  • One of the main things we have focused our efforts on is the creation of user profiles. With the release of Telescope Live 2.0, every user will have their own public profile that will be visible to all the other members of our community.

Now you will be able to add personal information about yourself and your astrophotography career and everybody will see your full profile with the achievements you have obtained, such as the pictures you have taken, the articles you have written, and the video tutorials you have posted.

“Wait a minute Marco does this means that I have to write articles and
record tutorials about post-processing pictures?”

Well, this will be entirely up to you…

As I told you a few days ago, we want to offer you the possibility to share with the entire community your observations and, if you want to put out some extra work, we will be more than happy to share your discoveries and research.

In order to explain to you how this system will work, you have to think of it as a ranking system: if you publish a picture you are an astrophotographer; if you publish an article you will become an editor; and, finally, if you record a video tutorial about your post-processing work you will become a tutor.

Your rank will be clearly visible to all the other members and we will share your content on our platform.

This topic of “sharing” leads us to the next big feature connected to the community.

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  • With Telescope Live 2.0. sharing your work with the world will be much, much simpler!

Inside our platform, you will receive likes and comments on your work but you will also have the possibility to share your incredible pictures on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, both on your profiles and on Telescope Live social media (reaching a public of tens of thousands of people).

Talking about social media…

  • In the past article I’ve anticipated to you that, soon after the release of Telescope Live 2.0., we will open a Facebook group. 

We thought that, besides our own platform, we also needed a virtual “living room” where our users (but not only them – more on this topic in a second) will be able to gather in a friendlier way and start conversations together in a more immediate and direct manner.

Since Facebook is the most widely used social media network, it is the one that the majority of our users told us they would prefer and since its group functionality works pretty well, we chose it as our virtual “living room”.

Here we will discuss every aspect and topic connected to astrophotography.

Exactly, you read that well!

The conversations will go beyond remote imaging since we will encourage other subjects such as discussions about astronomical equipment, outreach, general astronomy, or celestial events, and much more.

We will do the same in our blog, where we will expand the conversation with articles dedicated to various different topics, going beyond the matters we currently talk about (which is mainly news about astronomy).
“Why would you do that? Why talking about topics that are not
strongly connected with your own business offer?”
You see, in my previous article I have made a sort of bald statement; I’ve said that Telescope Live is going to be “The New Home For Astrophotography”.

And I really meant it!

We want to be the “go-to place” for:

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  • Answering astrophotography and astronomy questions,
  • Connecting with fellow space travellers around the globe,
  • Discover news that will deepen your knowledge about space or about astrophotography
  • Start your journey in the vast and immense universe
  • And much more…

For this reason, we thought it was necessary to break down the limits imposed by our business model and to offer to astrophotographers a “place” that is currently missing.

A place that is going to be open to all the astrophotographers and not only to our clients because we strongly believe that it is only with a constant confrontation and exchange that a true community can be built.

A community that is going to share its knowledge and, for this reason, will only increase the competences of each person participating in the discussion.

I would say that we have covered enough topics for today.

I really hope that this whole new project may thrill you as much as I am to share it with you!