New to Astrophotography? Start Here!


Hi there!

If you are new to astrophotography or have ever wondered how people get to practise this magnificent hobby, then this page will eliminate all your doubts and answer all your questions.

We have prepared three quick videos (each one lasting less than 5 minutes) that will guide you through the astrophotography universe.

What is astrophotography?

In the first video, we’ll tell you about the different types of astrophotography, ranging from imaging the Milky Way to capturing deep-sky objects through astronomical telescopes.

Moreover, we will tell you what you need to practise deep-sky astrophotography and how we can help you without spending a fortune on a telescope, camera and all the necessary gear.

The art of post-processing

In the second video, we will disclose the secrets to the art of post-processing. 

Here is where your skills and creativity come into play!

No stone will be left unturned, as you discover how to turn the raw data captured with a telescope (such as those you can access thanks to our platform) into jaw-dropping colour images.

Take advantage of our 1-week free trial to immediately access tons of data ready to be post-processed.
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Picking the right software tool

Finally, in the third video, we will compare four software tools used to transform your raw data into a colour image.

If you have never practised astrophotography before, this is probably the most crucial video since we will guide you in picking the best software for your specific needs based on your capabilities (in terms of both money and skills).

We hope you enjoy this series and it helps you better understand the vast universe behind the art of astrophotography.

Before we say goodbye, allow me to introduce you to the vast learning resources dedicated to astrophotography and post-processing that you can access thanks to Telescope Live.

We have created a knowledge aggregator where you can access all the tutorials made by our tutors - a bunch of world-renowned and award-winning astrophotographers that decided to patronage our cause and mission: making astrophotography more accessible to anyone.

You can browse all the tutorials by clicking below.

Access anywhere, at any time, the world’s largest database of astrophotography data ready to be downloaded and post-processed.
Try it free

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I hope you have a great time here and that you enjoy our service as many other thousands of people across the globe are doing right now!

Clear skies!
