Solar Eclipse Debrief with Mark Johnston

Solar Eclipse Debrief

Have you ever wondered what it takes to capture the inspiring beauty of a solar eclipse? Or perhaps you've attempted to photograph one yourself and are looking to refine your skills. 

If that’s the case, join us for an exclusive webinar that will illuminate the intricacies of solar eclipse photography from setup to the final stunning image.

Webinar’s Details

Title: Solar Eclipse Debrief - Setting up, capturing and processing solar eclipse data

Host: Alex Curry, Co-Founder of Telescope Live

Guest: Mark Johnston, APOD solar imager and NASA Solar System Ambassador

Time & Date: Saturday, the 13th of April at 6 PM UTC.

Join award winning solar astrophotographer Mark Johnston on a solar eclipse “debrief” as he walks through his journey to Texas to setup and image the 2024 total solar eclipse. 

Mark will discuss some of the particular steps and precautions he took to image the eclipse as well as some insider information around preparing for a trip like this.

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Finally, Mark will briefly take you through some of the post-processing steps he took to create his stunning final image of the solar eclipse.

This webinar is your chance to delve into the world of astrophotography with a focus on one of the most fascinating celestial events.

Open Access to Knowledge: Streaming Across Platforms

Our webinar will be live-streamed across YouTube and our Facebook page, making it accessible to all, transcending the bounds of our subscriber base. This open access initiative allows every astronomy enthusiast, including those not subscribed to Telescope Live, to tune into our live sessions.

Exclusive Telescope Live Subscriber Interaction

While we embrace a wider audience, we reserve an exclusive interactive experience for our subscribers. Telescope Live subscribers will receive a special Zoom link via email on the day of the webinar, ensuring a more personalized and engaging experience.

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For more details on each webinar and updates on what to expect, we encourage you to visit the "Events" section under the Telescope Live Community Forum.

Watch at Your Convenience

If you're unable to attend the live session, fear not. The webinar recordings will be available exclusively for our Silver plan members and above, a few days after the event.

Mark the 13th of April on your calendars and join us as we embark on this stellar journey!