Telescope Live 2.0. Offers You A New Way Of Learning About Space


Today I will introduce you to another very important revolution that will take place with Telescope Live 2.0; I’m talking about the Learning aspect.

Even though we never stop posting articles about astronomy news every week and publishing tutorials on how to create stunning astrophotography pictures, we realized that we had to go the extra mile.

We understood that we were clearly missing a path for those who are at the beginning of their space trip and a different one for those who are more interested in deepening their knowledge on a specific topic.

For this reason, we decided to create different learning resources that will help you master topics such as:

  • General and advanced astronomy
  • Basics and advanced astrophotography
  • News about what is going on in space
  • The latest trends in astrophotography

In this way, both the expert and the novice will be able to navigate to the information they are looking for without having to read oversimplified (or overcomplicated) information that is not at their level of knowledge.

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For the more official blog articles, we will also add all those resources created by our users and contributors that want to share their knowledge, research and discoveries, making the whole practice of exchanging information more inclusive and entertaining.

But the learning process doesn’t end up in the blog section…

In fact, as I’ve mentioned in a previous email, many observations you will do (in particular the One-Click Observations and the Pro Datatsets) will come with some learning resources in order to let you learn about space and post-processing while observing the night sky.

Moreover, we will also have the tutorials that will be recorded by our team of experts but also by some famous and affirmed astrophotographers with whom we are teaming up in order to bring you the best practices used by the pros.

The great thing about the new tutorials that you will find in Telescope Live 2.0. is that you will have the possibility to comment on the videos and put questions directly to the tutor who recorded it.

The world’s largest database of astrophotography data is waiting for you! Start now your free trial.
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Such a tutorial will be organised and implemented on the same basic concept of the blog posts: dividing the contents between the different levels of expertise and knowledge.

This is because, for example, it is totally pointless to watch a two hour video tutorial on how to process a picture if you don’t even know which is the best program to use!

A couple of emails ago, when I told you about the community, maybe I forgot to tell you that yes, you are all going to be in the same place with people of different backgrounds, but what I didn’t mention is that we want to separate the groups into expert and novice users.

Wait! Hold your horses and don’t get me wrong!

We are not going to physically separate and “judge” the skills of our users; that’s the exact opposite of building a community and we don’t want to do that…

What we want to do is to create materials and start discussions that are going to be more adequate to a specific group and less to another.

Access anywhere, at any time, the world’s largest database of astrophotography data ready to be downloaded and post-processed.
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Basically, we don’t want to put our expert users in a position where they will “waste time” (the comas are compulsory in this case) in answering basic questions or debating with people who don’t have their same level of knowledge and experience.

On the other end of the spectrum, we also don’t want our new space explorers to be afraid or to be scared by the pros and their complex answers and replies.

Everyone will have the possibility to pose questions and answers to the others if – and only IF – they feel comfortable in doing so.

Of course it would be great if an expert desires to share his or her knowledge with those who are starting up… but we don’t want to force anybody to join a conversation that is not relevant to them.

For this reason, we will create a sequence of materials that we will send especially to the beginners in order to allow them to grow their knowledge and to speed up the learning process (both in using our platform but also in other fields related to astronomy and astrophotography).

Start now your 1-week free trial and access fully-calibrated sets of images that are just waiting to be post-processed!
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We will also start an Academy that will bring you through a step-by-step process that will guide you in the discovery of our immense universe and in the world of astronomy and astrophotography.

DISCLAIMER: the launch of the Academy will take place some months after the actual launch of Telescope Live 2.0. This is because our main objective now is to give you a wonderful platform that works perfectly and we cannot do it if we are spreading our efforts on too many projects…

And also for today I believe that’s all.

I think that our debunking operation for Telescope Live 2.0. is going pretty well but if you have any specific question on the topic we have treated today, I would be grateful to you if you could drop me an email with the clarification you need.

In this way we can add some information that I might have “missed” in this email (and that you brought to our attention) to the next one.

In my next blog post I’m going to walk you through the new plans of Telescope Live 2.0. that we have thought of for you.

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