
Yearly Membership
Cards for Students

If you are a student interested in discovering the wonders of the night sky or start practicing astrophotography, you have landed on the right page!

As the explorers of tomorrow, we're excited to help you embark on your journey of discovery. That's why we've created a special offer for you:

A Yearly Membership Card at a 75% discount!

Please note that nobody but students get such an incredible treatment!

With this membership card, you unlock access to our platform for a full year.

Whether you opt for the Bronze, Silver, or Gold plan, you will be given 60, 240, or 600 credits respectively.

These credits give you the power to dive into our vast resources of astrophotography data and telescope access, helping you to learn and create.

Whether you want to produce stunning images from our astrophotography data, or task our remote telescopes to observe celestial phenomena such as supernovae and exoplanets, the choice is yours. 

You can use these credits to experience the thrill of hands-on astrophotography or engage in actual astronomical research, just like real professionals do.


About credits

How many credits do I need?

One-Click Observation

A typical One-Click Observation costs 1 credit and corresponds to 1 hour of observations, with a One-Click you can create a nice picture.

Observation Bundle

An Observation Bundle costs around 10 credits and corresponds to 10 hours of observations. With a bundle you can create a truly stunning image!

Advanced Request

If you need to use our telescopes exclusively, you will need to submit an Advanced Request and you will need more credits. 1 hour of telescope time ranges from 75 to 130 credits, although this vastly depends on the telescope used and moon discounts - which can significantly drop the cost of the observation. 


Watch this short video to better understand which plan is the right one for you.

No time to watch the video? In a nutshell, these are the main differences between the three plans we offer.
Our plans

Plan Benefits

[ Bronze ] [ Silver ] [ Gold ]
Discount applied (75%)

60 credits for $18


240 credits for $72


600 credits for $177

Credits (to be used in 1 year) 60 240 600
Task our telescopes for exclusive observations
Access to premium tutorial resources
Additional discounts on all observation modalities 20%
Suggest future One-Click-Observations

[ Bronze ]

60 credits for $18


Discount applied (75%)


Credits (to be used in 1 year)

Task our telescopes for exclusive observations

Access to premium tutorial resources

Additional discounts on all observation modalities

Suggest future One-Click-Observations

[ Silver ]

240 credits for $72


Discount applied (75%)


Credits (to be used in 1 year)

Task our telescopes for exclusive observations

Access to premium tutorial resources

Additional discounts on all observation modalities

Suggest future One-Click-Observations

[ Gold ]

600 credits for $177


Discount applied (75%)


Credits (to be used in 1 year)

Task our telescopes for exclusive observations

Access to premium tutorial resources


Additional discounts on all observation modalities

Suggest future One-Click-Observations

Click here if you want to explore each plan’s features in more details.

Note that under all plans you can purchase additional credits at $1.40 per credit (bulk discounts are applied).




a wonderful experience
The Telescope Live platform and website are very well thought out and organized. Your team has done a magnificent job and I look forward to being a member for life. Thank you for a wonderful experience!
Excellent quality and excellent experience
Telescope Live provides a fantastic service to anyone who is passionate about astronomy and wants to obtain their own astronomy pictures but don't have the means or (sigh!) the skies to do so. Furthermore, even if you run a professional observatory, their geographical distribution allows you to take astronomical pictures of both hemispheres or simply track objects when they're not visible in your own dark sky. The team is friendly and extremely capable and feedback from the user is acted upon very promptly
Best website for astrophotography lovers
Best website for astrophotography lovers without so much time and resources!!! You can plan and execute with the help of professionals any kind of acquisition (DSO and planetary) on their global network of telescopes, a plus are the ones in Chile, the best sky of the world!!! Furthermore, a database of thousands of acquisitions already available to download and elaborate (with a lot of tutorials to help in this step). Highly recommended!!!
Easy access to fantastic facilities
Easy access to fantastic facilities, with a sophisticated interface and infrastructure that means anyone from absolute beginners to advanced amateurs, even professional astronomers, can get up and running painlessly
Great service for Astrophotography
Great service for Astrophotography that enables you to book telescope time and improve your processing skills. Great company worth looking at if you are an astronomer
Excellent website and resource
Excellent website and resource - clear and informative. Much better than anything else I found to get me started on astrophotography
I'm a big fan of the contests!
I'm a big fan of the contests! They encourage me to actually do processing regularly and with a due date. If it was up to me, I'd probably just spend ages on the new major project and then go back to it and change it.
The best online platform to get quality datasets for astrophotographers
My Astro-image processing skill drastically increased using datasets from Telescope Live. Quality of data matters if you want to pull out the useful information from it - Telescope Live provides you that "clean data"
A great way to practice astrophotography
A great way to practice astrophotography when the weather is not so good. After trying the 1 month free trial I decided that there was more than enough value to justify the price a couple of times over. It allowed me to very quickly request images from a number of scopes, and then be able to access the data behind them and practice my post processing skills, in addition there is a lot of tutorials which I have already learnt a lot from. Highly recommended.
Amazing and cheap
I would highly recommend telescope live. Their services are cheap and high quality and with many different telescopes around the world practically everything is photographable. If you want to get into astrophotography and don't have the equipment this is a great start to learning how it all works.

Are You Interested? Here’s What to Do!


In order to purchase a yearly membership card you have to be eligible, that’s why you will have to provide your student ID.


Then you’ll have to choose the Yearly Membership Card tier - Bronze, Silver or Gold - that suits your needs. Remember, you need to buy a separate card for each student. 

*If you are the president of a society (or another entity similar to that) and want to buy more than one card, you’ll need to collect all the students' names and surnames, student ID cards and the chosen plan’s list.


When you’ve gathered all the necessary info, send all of them to

specifying your request to purchase a yearly membership card.


Once we’ve acquired the data, we will send out an invoice to be paid and, once we receive the payment, we will send you a promo code to activate your yearly membership.