
Processing of the APOD winning Dolphin Nebula

In this end to end Tutorial Nik Szymanek will guide you through the processing of the Dolphin Nebula, obtained with CHI-2 a telescope of the Telescope Live network. 

The resulting image has won the APOD on 30th October 2021: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap211021.html

The filters used for this dataset include broadband data (RGB) and narrowband data (HOO) using PixInsight and Photoshop. 

You can find the same dataset as One-Click Observations by clicking on the associated dataset link below.
Tutor .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Nik Szymanek
Parts .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 video
Duration .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0h 37m
Difficulty level .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Intermediate
Category .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Master Classes
Tier .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Premium
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TL SH2-308 Tutorial

TL SH2-308 Tutorial


I just watched this tutorial today, months later the APOD, i enjoyed the picture back in October, and i want to be totally honest i was expecting a way more complicated edit, but, less is more. excellent workflow and the result speaks for itself. cheers, Diego

I enjoyed the tutorial and found it very helpful. I would like to replicate the use of a short set of RGB to bring out the star colors in a narrowband image (in my case, the Large Magellanic Cloud). Can you advise on exposure time and number of repeats (total time) that does this? I could see that your image titrates the stars vs nebulosity very nicely. Thank you.

Thanks Roy. Glad the tutorial was of use. 👍
I used a very small set of RGB data to enhance the Dolphin Nebula image, primarily because it was a bicolour set.
I suspect something similar would work with your LMC image. You could try for 3 x 5m per RGB filter. It's best to keep the individual sub-exposure times relatively short to stop the brighter stars from saturating.
Let me know how you get on please.