Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction
Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction
Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction on Dec 21st 00:18 UT observed from the 1-m telescope (CHI-3)
Images captured and processed by Chilescope team and Damian Peach.
The images are offered to the Telescope Live community through a free Pro Dataset!
The FOV of our planet cam was not enough to cover both planets even with barlow removed. So we decided to use FLI Proline 16803 in DSO focus of 1m RC working at F/6,8. Just series of short RGB exposures
Images captured and processed by Chilescope team and Damian Peach.
The images are offered to the Telescope Live community through a free Pro Dataset!
The FOV of our planet cam was not enough to cover both planets even with barlow removed. So we decided to use FLI Proline 16803 in DSO focus of 1m RC working at F/6,8. Just series of short RGB exposures
CHI-3 (1-m F6.8 reflector)
FLI PL 16803
El Sauce Observatory, Chile
Date of observation
Dec 21st 00:18 UT
Chilescope team & Damian Peach
How do I get this dataset?
We need a tutorial..... FAST
Yes, a tutorial would be wonderful.
Great job teasing the detail out of the planets!
Did some background clening and upscaling to print it large for my yougest boy who was thrilled to get it this morning! Thanks guys, lovely (and tought to work on) dataset as well.
Too cloudy in my neck of the woods to get a good look. This is awesome. Thanks you.