Absolutely amazing. 'Enhanced with Hubble data' is what makes your image standout. Can you give some details about how you did this? The TL data alone is essentially featureless.
Hi Mark, Hubble takes images of the planets from time to time, Jupiter and Saturn wouldn't really be candidates for this as they a) rotate and b) have more complex features, however for Uranus and Neptune the images are essentially flat but do show some banding. Getting them is a pain, you have to request the set closest to the data you want to merge with, then there is a three stage process using SFTP to get the data, I then worked on Damien's data to try and reduce the exposure as far as possible in terms of luminance while retaining colour, then overlayed this with the Hubble data in affinity, adjusting the size of the discs to match, Then using layer blending brought through just enough of the banding to try to match the luminosity of Damiens data. To be fair it can never be an exact image, but does bring some detail into the image.