
Eliminate Satellite Trails with the Cosmic Clarity Tool

In this tutorial, Co-Founder of Telescope Live, Alexander Curry will introduce the Cosmic Clarity tool for removing satellite trails from astrophotography images. This AI-based standalone software is specifically designed for astrophotographers and works seamlessly with any processing workflow. Key steps include:

When and How to Use Cosmic Clarity:
- Learn how to apply the tool on raw data as a new “step one” before image stacking to ensure clean results.

Setting Up the Tool:
- Configure input and output folders, and disable the “clip satellite trail to zero” option to ensure smooth blending with the background.

Batch Processing and Live Monitoring:
- Run the tool in batch processing mode to batch process multiple an entire dataset folder.
- Explore the live monitoring feature for real-time satellite trail removal during image acquisition.

This tutorial demonstrates how Cosmic Clarity effectively eliminates satellite trails, making a significant improvement to low-integration datasets and enhancing image quality.
Tutor .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Alexander Curry
Parts .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 video
Duration .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0h 13m
Difficulty level .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Beginner
Category .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Techniques
Tier .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Premium
Software used .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Telescope Live platform
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Eliminate Satellite Trails

Eliminate Satellite Trails


Great video and very interesting software. However, and I'm not alone in this, for beginners it gets confusing to keep a fixed workflow when using (in my case) Siril, as now this is the new step 1. Maybe somebody could take a bit of time to make some sort of cheatsheet on the steps to follow, from start to end? Just my thoughts. Thanks!

Hi Georg,

Thanks for your comments, my apologies on the incorrect usage of the 0.000 - looking forward to hearing if you have any more success with the trails, for the datasets I have used the script with I have had a good success with. I'll have a look myself at the NGC 660 dataset too

Hi Alex, yes, I did have success by leaving the 0.000 checked. It looks very strange if you examine the treated subs but after stacking the trails were not anymore present, as Frank predicted. I have tried it also with some of my own subs from NGC660 and yes, there it worked as well. The trails are not 100% gone but maybe 98% and what remains, does not disturb at all.
It is unfortunate, but among the TL subs of NGC660 are over a dozen of them with trails, some weak and some quite bright.

Hi Alexander - an addition. I communicated with Frank from SetoAstro and he told me ( I sent him 12 plane trail files) that to uncheck the 0.000 is incorrect - it needs to remain checked if the raw files are stacked after the corrections are made. Like that the artefacts shall be ignored during stacking and do not show up in the final stack. I shall try this as he suggested to me.
Rgds Georg

Hi Alexander, I have tried this skript on the various trails (unprocessed linear files) which can be found in the recently published NGC660-CHI1CMOS raw files. The skript does not eliminate the satellite trails, only the weakest ones are reduced to a more or less acceptable amount. Brighter trails remain visible quite well and as expected, plane trails remain more or less unchanged. So from my experience, this skript is not much of a help and I shall continue to remove the weaker trails manually as I to it now - try it with those trails yourself and you shall find out what I said! Rgds Georg