Engraved Houglass Nebula MyCn18
Engraved Houglass Nebula MyCn18
This object was on the title-page of my very first astronomy-book.
I had no idea what I could get out of the CHI-3 telescope of this tiny object - it has only 0.2 arcmin size!
It is amazing to see details of the arms from a single exposure with a terrestrial telescope! Tracking is stop on, even at such long exposures!
The quality of this first image excited me! Therefore I am currently saving points for more exposures.
I plan sets of exposures of 300s, 600s, maybe 1200s to get detail in the central "eye"-region as well as the arms...
Stacking should allow for more sharpness and noise reduction...
Can't wait for the next session on this visually intriguing object!
I had no idea what I could get out of the CHI-3 telescope of this tiny object - it has only 0.2 arcmin size!
It is amazing to see details of the arms from a single exposure with a terrestrial telescope! Tracking is stop on, even at such long exposures!
The quality of this first image excited me! Therefore I am currently saving points for more exposures.
I plan sets of exposures of 300s, 600s, maybe 1200s to get detail in the central "eye"-region as well as the arms...
Stacking should allow for more sharpness and noise reduction...
Can't wait for the next session on this visually intriguing object!
FLI PL 16803
El Sauce Observatory
Date of observation
H-Alpha, OIII, SII
stretching, color-attribution/correction, cropping (about 3x3 arcmin) of final image
Dr. Florian Diehl, Germany
Amazing that you have achieved such success on this tiny target! But i think your scale must be wrong...the major axis is nearer 0.2 arc *minutes*, not arcsec (the seeing is probably a couple of arcseconds). I suspect that the detail you can eventually achieve will be limited not by signal:noise, but by seeing/image quality (so i'm not sure how much you'll be able to improve on this already great image.)
you are right - my bad about the arcseconds/arcminutes.
Well, I was hoping to get a little more detail in the center-part, so it does not appear "blown out"/over exposed...but you are probably right, I will not be able to improve on sharpness.
thanks for the comment ;-)