Engraved Houglass Nebula MyCn18

Engraved Houglass Nebula MyCn18

Engraved Houglass Nebula MyCn18

This object was on the title-page of my very first astronomy-book.
I had no idea what I could get out of the CHI-3 telescope of this tiny object - it has only 0.2 arcmin size!

It is amazing to see details of the arms from a single exposure with a terrestrial telescope! Tracking is stop on, even at such long exposures!

The quality of this first image excited me! Therefore I am currently saving points for more exposures.
I plan sets of exposures of 300s, 600s, maybe 1200s to get detail in the central "eye"-region as well as the arms...
Stacking should allow for more sharpness and noise reduction...

Can't wait for the next session on this visually intriguing object!
Telescope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Camera ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
FLI PL 16803
Location ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
El Sauce Observatory
Date of observation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation
Filters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
H-Alpha, OIII, SII
Processing ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
stretching, color-attribution/correction, cropping (about 3x3 arcmin) of final image
Credits ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Dr. Florian Diehl, Germany
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Amazing that you have achieved such success on this tiny target! But i think your scale must be wrong...the major axis is nearer 0.2 arc *minutes*, not arcsec (the seeing is probably a couple of arcseconds). I suspect that the detail you can eventually achieve will be limited not by signal:noise, but by seeing/image quality (so i'm not sure how much you'll be able to improve on this already great image.)

you are right - my bad about the arcseconds/arcminutes.

Well, I was hoping to get a little more detail in the center-part, so it does not appear "blown out"/over exposed...but you are probably right, I will not be able to improve on sharpness.

thanks for the comment ;-)