
Today is podium day!

Our judges have completed their evaluation of all the post-processed pictures submitted for the previous month contests and now we have the winners.

We just released a video on our Youtube Channel in which Nik Szymanek - one of our world-renowned tutors – will tell you all the reasons that brought our judges to pick the winners. 

Check out the video 👇

Going through this evaluation process and understanding why these talented and famous astrophotographers picked some pictures instead of others is something that can only increase your knowledge and capabilities when you have to post-process an image.

Moreover, it could be your chance to “peek” inside the minds of our tutors for understanding which criteria they use when they choose the winners; who knows… With such knowledge next month you could be the winner 😉

Watch the video now

Having said that, let’s find out who won.

The winners for the July 2021
One-click Observation Contest are

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1st place

Prize: 100 credits

Deneb by Thomas Peter

2nd place

Prize: 50 credits

Sadr-Crescent Mosaic by Leonel Padron

Sadr-Crescent Mosaic

The winners for the July 2021
 Pro Datasets Contest are

1st place

Prize: 200 credits


North America & Pelican Nebula

2nd place

Prize: 100 credits

 POLARIS AREA by Fritz Poelzl
Polaris Area

The winners for the July 2021
Advanced Request Contest are

1st place

Prize: 500 credits

M83 - HaRGB the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy by Chris Parfett

2nd place

Prize: 250 credits

NGC 6559 by Eric Ganz

Let’s give a round of applause to all the winners who are going to enjoy the honours and the prizes!

We will contact the winners individually to deliver their prizes shortly.

Thanks to everyone who participated to the July 2021 contest, and congratulations again to the winners!

See you space cowboy,

Marco Rocchetto

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Congrats to the winners (including me). Now, it has to be said, why are we seeing images taken from Chile's observatory when the rules of the contest clearly state that, to qualify, the image must have been observed through one of the Spain-based telescopes (except for the Advanced Request modality)? :|

Hi Leonel, this has been our mistake- We don't yet have a system that automatically filters the objects based on the month's topic, and we rely on people using the correct tags and submitting the right objects. A lack of control from our end caused the proclamation of the wrong winners. We rectified the announcement a day later, and now the right winners are announced here. Apologies for that!