ESO 217-25 (The Fighting Fish of Centaurus]
ESO 217-25 (The Fighting Fish of Centaurus]
A Super Nova Remnant aka G 296.5 + 10.0 near the star Rho Centauri which has a passing resemblance to the Betta Fish, or, Siamese Fighting Fish. This SNR is better imaged using a longer focal length scope showing a more pleasing and detailed view of it.
This wider view does however reveal more structures in the region, with the other creature lower down being a rarely seen Crested Ninja Fish. (Any better suggestions for a name are welcomed)
Here the Betta Fish is poised to dive down on the unsuspecting Ninja Fish, let battle commence!
Ideally this needed almost as much integration time again but I also need to eat.
This wider view does however reveal more structures in the region, with the other creature lower down being a rarely seen Crested Ninja Fish. (Any better suggestions for a name are welcomed)
Here the Betta Fish is poised to dive down on the unsuspecting Ninja Fish, let battle commence!
Ideally this needed almost as much integration time again but I also need to eat.
Takahashi FSQ106
QHY 600M Pro
Yass, Australia
Date of observation
February 2025 (advanced request)
Astrodon HO RGB
PixInsight RC Astro tools and Photoshop
Telescope Live
Nice to see something new, Ray. Well done!
Thank you John. Would have liked to have used the scope in Chile and concentrate on the Betta Fish, but 15 hours using that scope was a cost too far.