IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula

IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula

IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula

This image is developed from a Telescope Live SHO dataset from the AUS-2 telescope. To give the nebula its proper due, the final image is a substantially cropped version of the original wide field FoV from Aus-2.

The acquisition of this dataset was over two nights in mid December 2021. IC 2177 lies close to the galactic plane of the Milky Way so the surrounding star field is quite dense. I purposefully pulled the stars back during processing to allow the nebula to stand out.

As the reference data from Wikipedia mentions, IC-2177 properly refers to the just the circular region around the bright star within the "head" of the Seagull. Amateur astronomers have used that to refer to the entire Seagull Nebula which is quite large, including several other objects. As a result, the target requires a relative wide FoV to be fully captured or a mosaic of at least two or more panes to capture in its entirety.

From Wikipedia:
IC 2177 is a region of nebulosity that lies along the border between the constellations Monoceros and Canis Major. It is a roughly circular H II region centered on the Be star HD 53367. This nebula was discovered by Welsh amateur astronomer Isaac Roberts and was described by him as "pretty bright, extremely large, irregularly round, very diffuse." The name Seagull Nebula is sometimes applied by amateur astronomers to this emission region, although it more properly includes the neighboring regions of star clusters, dust clouds and reflection nebulae. This latter region includes the open clusters NGC 2335 and NGC 2343.NGC 2327 is located in IC 2177. It is also known as the Seagull's Head, due to its larger presence in the Seagull nebula.
Telescope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
AUS-2 Takahashi FSQ-106ED w/.73 FR/FF
Camera ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
FLI PL16083
Location ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Heaven's Gate Observatory, Australia
Date of observation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation
Filters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Astrodon 3nm Ha, Oiii, Sii
Processing ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Credits ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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