Large Magellanic Cloud (Mosaic)
Large Magellanic Cloud (Mosaic)
This is a large narrowband 8-panel mosaic of the LMC and all of its supremely colorful nebulae. This was very strenuous to process. Much trial and error went into the stitching and repairing artifacts around stars. PI version 1.9.3 crashed at least once, and I lost my progress during post processing. As a result, I had to reset the RC-astro tools. Stacked with APP and stitched/cropped in Pixinsight. Finished in photoshop.
Takahashi FSQ -106ED (AUS-2 CMOS)
QHY 600M pro
Heaven's Mirror Observatory, Australia
Date of observation
Aug. 2023-Oct. 2023, Nov. 2024 and Dec. 2024
Astrodon SHO
APP, Pixinsight, RC Astro tools, and Photoshop
Data: Telescope Live, Processing: Jared Greer
Given those setbacks you mention, I hope you feel that your perseverance has paid off by rewarding you with this excellent result. Taking on such a large mosaic is not something everyone would attempt given the large commitment required.
To get back a bit more from your efforts have you considered creating a few smaller pictures from previews of the more interesting regions. Rotating the mosaic to maybe better frame them might help with composition. Just a thought.
Great picture,
Cheers and CS, Ray