M20 - Trifid Nebula

M20 - Trifid Nebula

M20 - Trifid Nebula

It is always fascinating to me when I observe in the direction of the Sagittarius constellation pointing towards the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. There you can see with the appropriate telescope several deep sky objects of the Messier catalog such as M8, M17, M20, M23, M24, M25.
In July 2018, I took my first images of the Sagittarius sky area using my (non-defiltered) Nikon D3200 DSLR equipped with a Samyang 85 mm f/1.4 objective without any tracking mount (only on tripod). One of the peculiarities of this image is that it contained all the Messier objects mentioned above with a quite unusual invitee, Saturn, shining like a star between 21 Sgr and 11 Sgr.
Later on, in summer 2019, I gave a try using my Nikon DSLR equipped with a Samyang 135 mm f/1.4 objective, on that time with tracking using a Star Adventurer mount. I could capture more details, as I did more recently on September 18, 2020 when using a Takahashi FS60-CB with 0.72 x focal reducer (255 mm focal length at f/4.2)
More recently, I seized the opportunity of accessing the Pro Dataset published on February 4, 2021, to process the M20 images proposed by Telescope Live taken on September 14, 2020 with the CHI-1 telescope at 3962 mm focal length and f/6.5 aperture.
After discarding one of the luminance images, I started processing in PixInsight by Cosmetic Correction on each channel series and subsequently registered the images with Star Alignment. I then integrated each channel (LRGB) using Drizzle Integration, performed Dynamic Crop, applied Dynamic Background Extraction, executed Linear Fit before performing RGB Channel Combination. The RGB combined image went through Background Neutralization and Color Calibration processes. The last process applied in linear stage was Multiscale Linear Transform to improve the background, using the luminance integrated image as luminance mask. I turned the image to non-linear with Histogram Transformation and completed processing with a sequence of MLT, HDR Multiscale Transform, Local Histogram Equalization, Curves Transformation and eventually applied the Dark Structure Enhance script. I concluded by preparing the picture for publication as one could see in the Telescope Live Gallery. I hope the astrophotographers’ community will enjoy, although one may consider I over processed (I’d appreciate having feedback on this!). It’s definitely amazing to see the tiny details of the M20 nebula with the high image quality provided thanks to Telescope Live tools! A result I may never get from my backyard!
Telescope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
CHI-1 Telescope, Planewave CDK24
Camera ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
FLI PL9000
Location ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
El Sauce Observatory, Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile
Date of observation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation
September 14, 2020
Filters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Astrodon RGB
Processing ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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