M6 ????

M6 ????
Part of data with odd line

M6 ????

Old Data that I couldn't previously get an image out of.
HSO x6 images in total and a horrid big straight line down the side of pic, processed in Affinity and then PS to get rid of line.
Telescope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Camera ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Location ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation
13 March 2022
Filters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Processing ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Affinity, JR macros, PS
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Really helpful, will have a look, PS heal works pretty well but is a bit destructive so a better way sounds good! thx !

I have found that using APP on CCD images when going to tab 2 Calibrate, and checking hot pixel kappa, cold column kappa, and hot column kappa and setting the right kappa value takes care of those lines completely. Sometimes you may need to adjust the values up or down some. On CMOS you only need the hot pixel part checked. They do have a free trial if you wanted to check it out.

Also, here is how to set it up in APP https://community.telescope.live/articles/software-tutorialsreviews/rem…

Vertical lines are common defects of the CCD chip, called "bad columns" that cannot be removed with calibration, but only in post-processing during stacking or through interpolation. These are just columns of pixels that do not work properly. Please check our help page with all the info about this:


One of the first steps of post-processing is Cosmetic Correction, easily obtainable with PixInsight. For example, in the following tutorial, Peter explores some of the advanced techniques to fix vignetting through Dynamic Background Extraction and bad columns through Cosmetic Correction:


Of course with the new CMOS cameras these bad columns are no more an issue.

Clear Skies,