M63 - Sunflower Galaxy
M63 - Sunflower Galaxy
M63, also known as the 'Sunflower Galaxy', is a bright spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici with approximately 400 billion stars.
This galaxy is located roughly 30 million light-years from Earth.
Image captured with the SPA-2, data from 5 one-click observations.
Total integration time: 495 minutes
LRGB 8:10:8:9 sub-frames of 300s and 8:7:8:9 sub-frames of 600s
This galaxy is located roughly 30 million light-years from Earth.
Image captured with the SPA-2, data from 5 one-click observations.
Total integration time: 495 minutes
LRGB 8:10:8:9 sub-frames of 300s and 8:7:8:9 sub-frames of 600s
SPA2 - Officina Stellare 700RC
FLI PL16803
IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain
Date of observation
11/6/2021, 5/07/2021, 6/08/2021, 1/06/2022, 24/06/2022
Astro Pixel Processor, Photoshop CC with AstroPanel Pro, Astronomy Tools and NoiseXTerminator plug-ins
One-click observations TL