Messier 94
Messier 94
Messier 94 (M94, or NGC 4736) is a nice spiral galaxy situated about 16 million light-years away in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici .
The diameter of its main disk is about 45,000 light-years across, but the much fainter outer ring extends at least another 30,000 light-years or so.
The galaxy is notable in that it has two ring structures.
This image was acquired with SPA-2 (Officina Stellare ProRC 700 telescope)
Data from 4 one-clicks.
Total integration time: 320 minutes
LRGB 11:13:11:13 subs of 300s and 2:2:2:2 subs of 600s
The diameter of its main disk is about 45,000 light-years across, but the much fainter outer ring extends at least another 30,000 light-years or so.
The galaxy is notable in that it has two ring structures.
This image was acquired with SPA-2 (Officina Stellare ProRC 700 telescope)
Data from 4 one-clicks.
Total integration time: 320 minutes
LRGB 11:13:11:13 subs of 300s and 2:2:2:2 subs of 600s
SPA2 - Officina Stellare 700RC
FLI PL16803
IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain
Date of observation
10/06/2021, 9/07/2021, 6/05/2022, 29/05/2022
AstroPixelProcessor, Photoshop CC with AstroPanel Pro, Astronomy Tools, Topaz Sharpen AI and Denoise Projects 3 plug-ins
One-click observations TL