NGC 3532 Affinity Photo 7.9.24

NGC 3532 Affinity Photo 7.9.24
NGC 3532 Affinity Photo 7.9.24 HSO palette

NGC 3532 Affinity Photo 7.9.24

NGC 3532 Affinity Photo 7.9.24
Telescope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Camera ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Location ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation
Filters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Processing ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Affinity Photo 2, JR macros: Mono Stretch, LRGB Comp.
Credits ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
TL, JR and IJD
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Irving if you are referring to the HSO version then to me the background has a slight purplish tint to it. That's far more easily fixed after having removed the stars.
Now this is all assuming it's not my monitor or my eyes. I'm beginning to wonder if it's me that's got a colour sight problem, I've been around the Sun an awful number of times, and my eyesight is not what is was.

There is so much to learn about this hobby but also rewarding as progress is made. You'll find masking very useful, however I don't know how easy it is to do in Affinity. These days there are many third party add ons in PixInsight to make masking easier and that has helped me tremendously.

It would be helpful if a third person would chip in regarding the colour.

Cheers and CS

Did you look at the other version with a more reddish background? Affinity can do the masking too but I am not into it yet. Glad for any contact with fellow astro folks.

Hi Irving,
I hope you didn't mind me commenting, but I wondered if you had an issue with your monitor calibration. Stars are what this image is about and they look great, and of course colour is a personal choice, your choice. It wasn't so much the stars, rather a slight green hue to the background.

I'm not familiar with Affinity so don't know how it allows one to change colours. In Pixinsight, which I use, masks can be created that allow you to target specific areas, and by removing the stars you can just affect the background to make it more neutral. Personally I prefer this version, green typically being more of a terrestrial colour less seen in deep space. Lol.
Cheers and CS, Ray

Changed colors with an HSO palette. What do you think?

Yes the gas background is green. I could not change the color, could remove it but decided it was ok. Thanks for the comment.

That's nicely done Irving. To me it appears just a tad too green, so how does it appear to you on your monitor? I guess that it could be my monitor or your's that needs tweaking. Minor point.