Pickering's Triangle
Pickering's Triangle
One of the arc's/component of the veil nebula, brightest at the north-central edge of the loop but visible in photographs continuing toward the central area of the loop. Located ~2400 ly away in the constellation of Cygnus.
Named after Edward Charles Pickering, who along with Carl Vogel discovered the first spectroscopic binary stars.
False color image from narrowband data (Ha, Oiii, and Sii), OHS 6h (3x12x600s). Taken from SPA-2 an Officina Stellare 70cm (27.5 inches) F8 with RC design reflector telescope, with FLI PL16803 camera and Astrodon HSO (3nm) filters situated in Oria, Spain. Part of telescope.live network.
Taken on 06-08,18 May 2022. Processed in PixInsight.
Named after Edward Charles Pickering, who along with Carl Vogel discovered the first spectroscopic binary stars.
False color image from narrowband data (Ha, Oiii, and Sii), OHS 6h (3x12x600s). Taken from SPA-2 an Officina Stellare 70cm (27.5 inches) F8 with RC design reflector telescope, with FLI PL16803 camera and Astrodon HSO (3nm) filters situated in Oria, Spain. Part of telescope.live network.
Taken on 06-08,18 May 2022. Processed in PixInsight.
SPA-2 Officina Stellare 700 RC
FLI PL16803
Oria, Spain
Date of observation
May 18 2022
Astrodon HSO