Rho Ophiuchi and the Blue Horsehead Nebula
Rho Ophiuchi and the Blue Horsehead Nebula
A mosaic of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex and the Blue Horsehead Nebula (aka IC 4592). Both are around 400 light years away in the constellations of Ophiuchus and Scorpius.
C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) [green/cyan object, bottom left of the image] is an Oort cloud comet with an inbound hyperbolic orbit, discovered in May 2017 at a distance beyond the orbit of Saturn when it was 16 AU (2.4 billion km) from the Sun.
C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) [green/cyan object, bottom left of the image] is an Oort cloud comet with an inbound hyperbolic orbit, discovered in May 2017 at a distance beyond the orbit of Saturn when it was 16 AU (2.4 billion km) from the Sun.
Nikon 200 F/2 lens (Chi-5)
FLI ML 16200
El Sauce Observatory, Rio Hurtado, Chile
Date of observation
August & September 2022
Astrodon LRGB
PixInsight, RC Astro Tools, Photoshop
Data: Telescope Live, Processing: Jonathan Lodge