Sharpless 223, 224, 225 & 227 in Auriga
Sharpless 223, 224, 225 & 227 in Auriga
SHO-image of Sharpless 223, 224, 225 and 227 in the constellation Auriga.
Sh2-224 is a very faint supernova remnant at distance of about 14700 light years (in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way).
Sh2-223, Sh2-225 and Sh2-227 are faint emission nebulae, H II regions.
Pfew, this was a tough one to process - could probably use more data...
SHO-image acquired with SPA-1 (Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor and FLI PL16803 camera). Data from 6 one-clicks (data Sh2-224)
Total integration time 360 minutes
SHO: 12 sub-frames of 600s with each narrowband filter.
Sh2-224 is a very faint supernova remnant at distance of about 14700 light years (in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way).
Sh2-223, Sh2-225 and Sh2-227 are faint emission nebulae, H II regions.
Pfew, this was a tough one to process - could probably use more data...
SHO-image acquired with SPA-1 (Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor and FLI PL16803 camera). Data from 6 one-clicks (data Sh2-224)
Total integration time 360 minutes
SHO: 12 sub-frames of 600s with each narrowband filter.
SPA1 Takahashi FSQ-106ED
FLI PL16803
IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain
Date of observation
1 - 5 Nov. 2022
PixInsight (with AutoIntegrate), StarXTerminator, Photoshop CC with AstroPanel Pro, Astronomy Tools, Topaz Sharpen AI and NoiseXTerminator plug-ins
One-click observations TL