Supernova Remnant CTB1 widefield
Supernova Remnant CTB1 widefield
A faint bubble shape supernova remnant (a.k.a SNR G116.9+02) in Cassiopeia ~7500-10000 years old and ~9500 ly away. A mixed-morphology supernova remnant with its shell visible in both optical and radio. The categorization CTB1 comes from the radio survey by Wilson and Bolton in 1960, Caltech observatory list B catalog. Originally miscataloged as a planetary nebula Abell 85 and HII region LBN 576. The supernova that created this also kicked its core hurling it away from it, the pulsar PSR J0002+6216, spinning 8.7 times a second and traveling over 1000 km/s. The Sharpless nebulas, SH2-170 (circular object on the left), SH2-165, SH2-166 (top), SH2-168, SH2-169 (top left) can also be seen in the image.
HSO 17h (3x34x600s) false color image from narrowband data (SHO). Taken from SPA-3 telescope, a Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 with Paramount MX+ mount, FLI PL16083 camera, and Astrodon Ha (3nm), SII (3nm), OIII (3nm) filters. Situated in IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain. Part of telescope network. Taken on multiple dates Jun-Nov 2022.
Processed in PixInsight.
HSO 17h (3x34x600s) false color image from narrowband data (SHO). Taken from SPA-3 telescope, a Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 with Paramount MX+ mount, FLI PL16083 camera, and Astrodon Ha (3nm), SII (3nm), OIII (3nm) filters. Situated in IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain. Part of telescope network. Taken on multiple dates Jun-Nov 2022.
Processed in PixInsight.
SPA-3 Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4
FLI PL16083
IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain
Date of observation
June-Nov 2022
Astrodon Ha (3nm), SII (3nm), OIII (3nm)