Tulip Nebula and Cygnus X-1
Tulip Nebula and Cygnus X-1
The Tulip Nebula, or Sharpless 101 (Sh2-101) - here in the center of this widefield SHO-image - is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. It lies at a distance of about 6,000 lightyears from Earth.
Located nearby is Cygnus X-1, an X-ray source discovered in 1964, which is generally believed to be the site of a black hole. It is orbited by a blue supergiant star HDE 226868 that is Cygnus X-1's companion star. The star betrays the existence of the black hole because it is being whipped around an object every 5.6 days at a radius of 0.2 AU. The black hole is also consuming the companion star, which feeds a spinning accretion disk around the black hole resulting in relativistic jets of high energy particles being emitted perpendicular to the accretion disk. One of these jets is impacting a denser region of the interstellar medium forming a glowing curved bow shock (or shock front).
This widefield SHO-image of the Sh2-101 region was acquired with SPA-1 (Takahashi FSQ-106 ED refractor). Data from 4 one click observations (Ced 173)
Total integration time 240 minutes.
8 subs of 600s with each narrowband filter (SII, Ha and OIII)
Located nearby is Cygnus X-1, an X-ray source discovered in 1964, which is generally believed to be the site of a black hole. It is orbited by a blue supergiant star HDE 226868 that is Cygnus X-1's companion star. The star betrays the existence of the black hole because it is being whipped around an object every 5.6 days at a radius of 0.2 AU. The black hole is also consuming the companion star, which feeds a spinning accretion disk around the black hole resulting in relativistic jets of high energy particles being emitted perpendicular to the accretion disk. One of these jets is impacting a denser region of the interstellar medium forming a glowing curved bow shock (or shock front).
This widefield SHO-image of the Sh2-101 region was acquired with SPA-1 (Takahashi FSQ-106 ED refractor). Data from 4 one click observations (Ced 173)
Total integration time 240 minutes.
8 subs of 600s with each narrowband filter (SII, Ha and OIII)
FLI PL16803
IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain
Date of observation
AstroPixelProcessor, Photoshop CC with AstroPanel Pro, Astronomy Tools, Topaz Sharpen AI and Denoise Projects 3 plug-ins
One click observations TL