Veil Nebula
Veil Nebula
The Veil Nebula is a supernova remnant of a massive explosion that occurred at least 10,000 years ago. I captured these data myself over 6 imaging sessions and did two panels to fit everything in. I decided to post this even though it isn't Telescope LIve data, but I learned much of my processing skills from Telescope Live tutorials.
This image consists of 20.25 hours worth of 5 minute subframes (77 Ha, 82 OIII, and 84 SII)
This image consists of 20.25 hours worth of 5 minute subframes (77 Ha, 82 OIII, and 84 SII)
William Optics Z61II
ASI1600MM Pro
Canton, MI
Date of observation
October-November 2024
SHO narrowband
Pixinsight, Blur, Star, and Noise XTerminator, Photoshop