The Ultimate Astrophotography Toolkit for Beginners
ATTENTION: To download the Siril scripts, scroll down this page till the specification list. You will find the download button under “Associated dataset”. Now click on the Download button. You will be redirected you will be redirected to our forum where you can download the zip file of the scripts. Follow the instructions contained in part 2 of this video series to learn how to use them on Siril.
Part 1: SIRIL is the most powerful tool for both new and veteran astrophotographers, in addition to being free and open source it has many tools and features that make it ideal for astrophotographers getting started. In this video we’re going to download SIRIL and pick out a suitable one-click observation to download. It’s everything you need to get started with this tutorial series.
Part 2: Scripts are a very important part of processing your Telescope Live images, this video will show you how to easily integrate scripts into your SIRIL workflow to make registering and stacking your Telescope Live images much easier. Additionally we will have a look at the various framing tools and different types of data that these scripts can work with.
Part 3: One thing every astrophotographer needs to know is histogram manipulation. In this video we will look at two different methods for histogram manipulation to get the most information out of your data. This video will take the newly created colour images (thanks to the scripts) and turn them from a few stars into a magnificent astrophoto.
Part 4: After you’ve brought your image to life with some histogram stretches, you’re going to want to make sure your image is colour accurate. This video will show you how to process the green noise out of hubble palette images, as well as a colour correction method that can be applied to all astro images. Finally we will enhance the saturation to enrich the colours within your image.
Part 5: A quick sidestep here to StarNet ++; this powerful tool allows you to completely remove the stars from any nebulae image. While it is personal preference, in this tutorial we’re going to be applying this process to our image to focus solely on the nebulosity.
Part 6: Finally to wrap up, we’re going to look at a very easy to use sharpening tool to further enhance the details in your astro image. This powerful tool is very easy to use and can be used for most astro images. Finally we’re going to crop and frame our image to a region of interest and post it on the Telescope Live gallery.

Introduction to Siril, Data Selection, and Wavelength Explanation
i have installed siril and have photos but i don't see the options and the script execution is fail. What is the reason behind this
It's do really interesting, yet why i can't download the tutorial? Or even just view the video?
Hola acabo de entrar a este grupo
Hmmmmmmm .... denoise as first step? this is weird ...
No background extraction ? Even more .
and no deconvolution either ...
sorry but it doesn't look to me that you are showing siril at his best. I came here hoping to learn something, but instead im half thinking that you are pushing users to the wrong workflow.
ok maybe this is just an intro, but i can't see any more advanced tutorial either.... :-/
Hi Salvatore,
Thanks for your feedback. This is pitched as a tutorial for complete beginners. This is the most straightforward workflow for a beginner with aspects that are easy to understand and follow.
We have more advanced tutorials planned for the future that will cover background extraction and deconvolution.
i'm clearly doing something wrong, I keep getting message "script execution failed". I think an extra tutorial in how to actually compile your folders on your computer may help.
thanks for putting together this series on Siril - very useful to get started! Would be great to have additional tutorials with this app in the future :-)