And The April 2021 Contest Winners Are...


Today is podium day!

Our judges have completed their evaluation of all the post-processed pictures submitted for the previous month contests and now we have the winners.

If you missed our latest episode of the Telescope Live Event series where we announce the winners, and where we talk about much more, you can watch it on YouTube now.​

The winners for the April 2021
One-click Observation Contest are

1st place

Prize: 100 credits

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex - Central Region by Ray Blais


2nd place

Prize: 50 credits

The Fighting Dragons of Ara and Dragon's Egg by Jarmo Ruuth


The winners for the May 2021
Pro Datasets Contest are

1st place

Prize: 200 credits

NGC3372 (HOO) by John Tipton​


2nd place

Prize: 100 credits

Vela Supernova Remnant by Chris Parfett


Let’s give a round of applause to all the winners who are going to enjoy the honours and the prizes!

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You can get some insights about the winning pictures in the recording of the live event from today by clicking here

Please allow me to remind you that the new contests for the Advanced Requests, One-Click Observations, Pro Datasets are already going on so you can take part in this contest and, if luck helps you (together with your abilities), next month you may be proclaimed winner!

The May contest for One Click Observations and Pro Datasets features narrow-field astrophotography, meaning that the processed images need to come from any of our small pixel-scale telescopes (CHI-1, CHI-3 and SPA-2).

The rules for the May 2021 have slightly changed, so you might want to read the rules again by clicking here

In short, there are two major changes:

  • Premium datasets also qualify for the Pro Dataset Contest. Be reassured that our judges will not have any bias towards Premium datasets, they will only consider the overall quality of your post-processing.
  • The rules for the Advanced Request Contest are much more relaxed. Any advanced request qualifies, provided that it completes in the same month of the contest you're participating in
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Thanks to everyone who participated to the April 2021 contest, and congratulations again to the winners!