And the January 2022 contest winners are....


Today is podium day!

Our judges Adam Block and Nik Szymanek have completed their evaluation of all the post-processed pictures submitted for the January 2022 contests and we have the winners!

🏆 Landscape Astrophotography Contest Winners 🏆

In January 2022 we launched a special contest on Landscape Astrophotography. You can read more about this special contest in the January 2022 contests announcement.

1st Place

Kizildag by David Mihalic
Prize: 50 credits

This piece has been post-processed masterfully having a very good balanced foreground and sky in terms of color and detail. This was challenging data in terms of the light sources around and location. David had a great job preserving the details in the milky way and the stars while reducing the noise effectively. 

Mustafa Aydin and Okan Bozat from Stellar Xperiences

2nd Place

Assos by Yoshiharu Yamashita
Prize: 25 credits

This piece was a challenging one due to the red light painting in the foreground. The over saturated red color in the foreground has been successfully taken out and it blends so naturally with the sky tones. Also, the noise level has been greatly taken down while preserving details both in the foreground and sky. 

Mustafa Aydin and Okan Bozat from Stellar Xperiences

🏆 One-Click Observation Contest Winners 🏆

The One-Click Observation for the January 2022 Contest is Comet Leonard, obtained with AUS-2 in the LRGB filter set.

You can see and grab this One-Click Observation by clicking here.

Beginner Tier

Comet Leonard by Phill B.Crowe
Prize: 25 credits

Expert Tier (2 winners!)

This month, we have a tie for the first place, so we decided to announce two winners!

Comet Leonard (31 Dec 2021) by John Tipton
Prize: 50 credits
C2021 A1 Leonard (2 panels, 31/12/2021) by Nicolas Rolland
Prize: 50 credits

🏆 Observation Bundle Contest Winners 🏆

The Observation Bundle for January 2022 Contest is Centaurus A obtained with CHI-1 in the LRGB filter set. It contains 10 One-Click Observations or 12h 20min of total exposure time.

Start now your 1-week free trial and access fully-calibrated sets of images that are just waiting to be post-processed!
Try it free

You can see and grab this Observation Bundle by clicking here.

Beginner Tier

Centaurus A by Wolfgang Kuechle
Prize: 75 credits

Expert Tier

Centaurus A by Jonathan Lodge
Prize: 100 credits

Let’s give a round of applause to all the winners who are going to enjoy the honors and the prizes!

Do you want to find out the February 2022 contests? Find out more here!


I'm speechless ... how could that happen? Maybe I was the only participant in the beginner section? Very encouraging but still a long way to go to even get close to expert level. Thank you!