And the March 2023 Contest Winners Are...

cover contest march

Today is podium day!

Our judges, Adam Block, Nik Szymanek and Mustafa Aydın, have completed their evaluation of all the post-processed pictures submitted for the March 2023 contests, and we have the winners!

🏆 One-Click Observation Contest Winners 🏆

The One-Click Observation for the March 2023 Contest is the NGC 2359 - THOR'S HELMETTO THE PLEIADES obtained with CHI-3-CCD in the HSO filter set.

You can see and grab this One-Click Observation by clicking here.

Beginner Tier

NGC 2359 by Frederik Gutbrod
Prize: 25 credits

Expert Tier

NGC 2359 - THOR'S HELMET by Jack Groves
Prize: 50 credits

🏆 Observation Bundle Contest Winners 🏆

The Observation Bundle for March 2023 Contest is the IC59 widefield obtained with SPA-3-CCD in the HSO filter set. It contains 11 One-Click Observations corresponding to more than 11 hours of total exposure time.

You can see and grab this Observation Bundle by clicking here.

Beginner Tier

IC59 WIDE FIELD by Matthew Neal
Prize: 75 credits

Expert Tier

IC59 WIDEFIELD  by Jarmo Ruuth
Prize: 100 credits

Let’s give a round of applause to all the winners who are going to enjoy the honors and the prizes!

Would you like to find out about the April 2023 contests? Find out more here!

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Dear staff of Telescopelive, can You please add within winners contest news a brief intro written by judges about their decision, which criteria they adopted and how winners fitted to? 'Cause imho it could be very useful for everybody to understand what we have to look for in post-processing integration focusing about contest participation then other focus we may have in our subjective pov. Thanks id advance, viva the winners and wishing everybody clear skies from sunny Tuscany

Dear Stefano,

Thank you for your interest in our monthly contest and for submitting your work. We appreciate your passion and skill.

We have a panel of judges who are experts in astrophotography. They carefully evaluate each photo according to some general criteria and of course also to their personal taste. Each judge assign his preference. The photos with the highest scores were selected as the winners.

Generally speaking, the judging process for our monthly contest are based on the following criteria:

- The processed images should accurately represent the astronomical objects they depict, without adding or removing any details/artifacts that would mislead the viewers.

- The processed images should have a pleasing visual appearance, with good color balance and noise reduction.

- The processed images should demonstrate appropriate use of processing techniques and effort in processing the data.

We hope this answers your question and clarifies the judging process. We congratulate all the winners and thank all the participants for sharing their amazing work with us, we are impressed by the quality and diversity of the photos we received.

Clear Skies,