The Blue Horsehead Nebula
The Blue Horsehead Nebula
In Denmark, Scandinavia the weather has been absolutely terrible for a very long time. The only few clear nights and hours has been with a bright moon, not optimal for deep sky.
So I thought it was time to process some of the Telescope Live data I have acquired during 2023 and chose the Blue Horse Head in Scorpius as I really like this target.
This targets contains a lot of faint details in dust and nebulosity, so I chose a to phase stretch in APP which were then combined. Stars were removed from the least stretched one in PI and the screened back in when the final stretch was done. The last bit of finishing and even more stretching has then been done later in Lightroom with luminance masks to get as much as possible out of the data.
So I thought it was time to process some of the Telescope Live data I have acquired during 2023 and chose the Blue Horse Head in Scorpius as I really like this target.
This targets contains a lot of faint details in dust and nebulosity, so I chose a to phase stretch in APP which were then combined. Stars were removed from the least stretched one in PI and the screened back in when the final stretch was done. The last bit of finishing and even more stretching has then been done later in Lightroom with luminance masks to get as much as possible out of the data.
Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4
QHY 600M
Date of observation
June 11., 2023
APP, PI, and Lightroom
Steen Knarberg