The Flying Bat (SH2_120) and the Squid (Ou4) Nebulae
The Flying Bat (SH2_120) and the Squid (Ou4) Nebulae
This is an image of the Flying Bat Nebula (SH2_129) and the Squid Nebula (Ou4). These nebulae lie about 2,300 light years away in the constellation Cepheus. The blue-green Squid nebula is the result of doubly ionized oxygen atoms while the reddish Flying bat nebula is the result of hydrogen emissions.
Takahashi FSQ-106ED
FLI PL16803
Oria, Almería, Spain
Date of observation
2 September 2021
Astrodon 2GEN, RGB, Ha (3nm), OIII (3nm); 50mm square
Pixinsight and Photoshop
I found this a very diffcult object to process and had to make a number of compromises on the way. I was wondering how you found it and if you managed to find any shortcuts or had any tips.
Philip. Go through the data as there are about a dozen subs that are really bad. Make sure you remove those or you will wash out the squid. I think most , if not all of the bad frames are the OIII subs.
Looks great! That was pretty fast processing :-)