Messier 73
Messier 73
Here is the second most boring of the Messier objects, M73. I mainly went after it via AR for completing the Messier catalog. Still, may as well post it since I doubt anyone else has went for it as an AR!
CHI-1-CMOS Planewave CDK24
QHY 600M Pro
Observatorio El Sauce, Chile
Date of observation
September 24th, 2024
Astrodon RGB
APP and Photoshop
Scotty Bishop/Telescope Live
Done like a true astronomer. Thanks for sharing.
Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to complete a project! I think this one is well worth it though.
Second most boring? Now let me guess, M40?
Well done for completing the Messier Catalogue Scotty, now I guess it's onto the next one. I think I can safely assume it won't be the NGC.
Any bets anyone as to whether this may feature as a future Picture Of The Day.
Yep, M40 is the most boring one, but in the words of Charles Messier, it isn't a comet!
I may try for the Caldwell catalog, but the NGC probably wont happen for a bit lol