June 2023 Contest - Gradients around M51
For the contest this month, Warren Keller is taking a look at the background gradients that surround M51 and give you a couple of tips on how to correct these with Pixinsight. He will also show you how to use GraXpert to correct these gradients if you are using other softwares for processing.
June 2023 Contest Tutorial: Gradients around M51
Hi Warren, I very informative tuturial - thank you. M51 is surrounded by an asymmetrical dust cloud which can be made visible by not too much darkening the background. What I have seen when you used GraXpert (which I used almost always), there were too many squares still positioned in that area of the dust cloud, which at the end resulted in that dust region barely visible. I am aware that most astrophotographers do not show that cloud or only baerly, but I think, as it is part of the galaxy, one should make it a bit more visible than in your final image.
I would appreciate your comments very much!
CS Georg
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