M51 Hybrid Processing - PixInsight/Photoshop A-Z workflow
Calibration, registration and integration
In part 1, you apply CosmeticCorrection on registered frames. In the CC settings there is column numbers but if frames are registered, the column are no longer at the same location (nor in same direction). Am I missing something ?
Robert. The column is always the same. It is a physical defect so column X is always defective. It may fall on a different part of the picture, but it is always the same column. Does this make sense? Also, when I did this tutorial, WBPP did not allow you to load CC for different binnings. This has since been updated so now if you have different binnings, it lets you load a CC for each binning.
Hello Bernard, thank you for you quick answer. I agree that columns are always at the same position on every Calibrated images but once Registered, each image is shifted and/or rotated (the worst is after a meridian flip) so if cc tries to remove for example column x on an image that was rotated by registration, it cannot succeed. Or maybe, cc takes registration data into account ?
Anyway, thank you very much for your tutorials where I learned a lot.
Robert. I probably should have used the calibrated data. In any case, the current version of WBPP lets you specify a CC for each binning and that is the way you should do it.
OK, thank you Bernard.
great tutorial, thank you for sharing!