One Shot Colour Saturn Processing
Saturn is arguably one of the most impressive objects that you can image in the night sky and in this tutorial, Damian Peach will guide you through all the steps necessary to produce an award-winning picture of Saturn. The tutorial covers several aspects to enhance your planetary processing. Although the workflow may follow a common pathway, it’s crucial to follow Damian’s steps since processing each planet presents its own unique challenges and circumstances.
I took a slightly different approach. I started with the Wavelet tool in RegiStax and made a series of sharpened images. Turning these into a movie revealed no features for which I could discern movement, so I skipped WinJupos and stacked the sharpened images in AutoStakkert!. I then used PixInsight as follows: Multiscale Linear Transformation; Curves to adjust saturation, and finally unsharpmask to slightly increase contrast.
Nice no need other stuff that I don't have, I'm giving you the galaxy award for keeping it simple
Part 3 was quite helpful. Those subtle PS retouches made quite the difference.
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