ICC Profile Transformation

Dust in Perseus

I wasn't aware of this process until recently and after I was instructed to use it on my final image, it is quite a useful tool to use and I'll pass one what I know.  The ICC Profile Transformation is the process of converting an image's color values from one color space to another using an ICC (International Color Consortium) profile.  This allows the software to accurately represent colors on different devices by applying the necessary color adjustments based on the characteristics of the input and output devices described in the ICC profile.  You can find detailed information the International Color Consortium here (https://www.color.org/index.xalter) and the profiles they manage are found here (https://www.color.org/profiles2.xalter).

To use the ICC Profile Transformation process in PixInsight, see the selection tree below:

After selecting it, the window opens as you see it below.  Select the image you wish to apply it on in the Source Profile; for the Target Profile, there are a number of available ICC profiles to choose from but unless you know or are familiar with them, the one that I would recommend always using is the one selected below - sRGB IE61966-2.1 .  Leaving all the other selections as they are, simply apply the process to the image.

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You will not see anything really happen after you apply it but when you publish your image, it should always be displayed with the colors as you intended them in the image on anyone's computer screen.

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