Going after the unusual with Advanced Requests

CHI-2 and CHI-4, 9x L, 5x R, 3x G, and 3x B, all 600s

Today I wanted to talk about stuff that just doesn't get imaged much, and why advanced requests are awesome for going after the unusual.

My last advanced request was for something I've never seen imaged, the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy. I also have done them on Sh2-63, Barnard's Galaxy, and I've even done one I've never seen imaged (and for me it was an accident), NGC 4595.

I like how we are able to access some awesome scopes and go after things we wouldn't get to do otherwise. Ohh, in case you didn't read your email and the announcements credits are on sale right now, and by on sale I mean really on sale. I had to buy a few lmao.

One more thing is that the scopes are going to get cheaper to run too, so I think I will hold off on some planned stuff until go live for Telescope Live 3.0, so you know I'm going to start looking for the unusual things I can snag. Hopefully you do too!

Anyway, speaking of my unusual thing that was my last Advanced Request, here it is, the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy!

CHI-2 and CHI-4, 9x L, 5x R, 3x G, and 3x B, all 600s. Processed in APP, PI, and PS.

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