NGC 2170 The Angel Nebula

NGC 2170 The Angel Nebula

NGC 2170 The Angel Nebula

This is a Telescope Live LRGB Dataset. TL also has a HSO dataset; however NGC2170 is a reflection nebula with very limited emission areas so the SHO image set doesn't provide much to work with even as an additional Ha layer for the RGB dataset.

It reminds me of M42 in some ways, with color fields of the Rho Ophuichi cloud thrown in. This LRGB dataset came from the Chile-2 telescope, an approximately 20" corrected Newtonian on an ASA DDM85 direct drive mount. The target was imaged over three days in March 2022. This is a 'shallow' dataset, with only 4 hrs integration. Despite this, the El Sauce Observatory captured a good amount of detail in this dataset.

From the NASA Science web page:

NGC 2170, also known as the Angel Nebula, shines near the image center. Reflecting the light of nearby hot stars, NGC 2170 is joined by other bluish reflection nebulae, a red emission region, many dark absorption nebulae, and a backdrop of colorful stars. Like the common household items that still life painters often choose for their subjects, the clouds of gas, dust, and hot stars featured here are also commonly found in this setting -- a massive, star-forming molecular cloud in the constellation of the Unicorn (Monoceros). The giant molecular cloud, Mon R2, is impressively close, estimated to be only 2,400 light-years or so away. At that distance, this canvas would be over 60 light-years across.
Telescope ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Camera ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
FL PLI16083
Location ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
El Sauce Observatory, Chile
Date of observation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of observation
Filters ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Processing ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Credits ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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