NGC 55 - Pro Data Set
NGC 55 - Pro Data Set
Lots of small fuzzies, too.
NGC 55, also occasionally referred to as The Whale Galaxy, is a Magellanic type barred spiral galaxy located about 6.5 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. Images taken by Nik Szymanek.
PixInsight with AutoIntegrate script, LightRoom, Topaz DeNoise AI, and reduced in size with Topaz GigaPixel AI to one-third to hide some stubborn artifacts.
NGC 55, also occasionally referred to as The Whale Galaxy, is a Magellanic type barred spiral galaxy located about 6.5 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. Images taken by Nik Szymanek.
PixInsight with AutoIntegrate script, LightRoom, Topaz DeNoise AI, and reduced in size with Topaz GigaPixel AI to one-third to hide some stubborn artifacts.
FLI ProLine PL9000
Date of observation
PixInsight with AutoIntegrate script, LightRoom, Topaz DeNoise AI, and reduced in size with Topaz GigaPixel AI
Pro Data Set - Nik Szymanek; Processing - Jim DeLillo
Jim, the rather obvious horizontal line across the image looks like the result of uncorrected bad rows (columns before image rotation). Maybe your AutoIntegrate script isn't taking proper care of this? But great colour and detail!
Reply: 2
Thanks. Critique is always welcome. I see it, I wasn't sure how to correct it. I will go back and re-process (often, LOL).
AutoIntegrate runs only CosmeticCorrection and everything else must be corrected manually.
I like the detail and color on the galaxy!
Thanks, Jarmo. The AutoIntegrate script helps. There is probably more detail I can go after. I do like this Pro Data Set very much. It'll be worth revisiting.
great work
Thanks Amal.