RCW 27 GUM 14
RCW 27 GUM 14
As a curiosity, while analyzing the photo, I noticed in the lower left corner (bluish irregular glow) the presence of an object which in PGC catalogs has the number PGC 24218 and in others He 2-11. Here I am basing myself on the study in Sky & Telescope (https://skyandtelescope.org/onli.../he-2-11-the-spin-nebula/), and there are almost no works on it in amateur astrophotography:
"The Spin Nebula, due to its structure and origin, is a bipolar planetary nebula about 2300 light years away, in the center of which is an eclipsing binary system with a variability of about 3 magnitudes in just 14 hours. Morphological, photometric, spectroscopic studies and mathematical models in the scientific literature present the He 2-11 model as a structure characterized by a uniform central core of ionized oxygen and two outer filamentary protrusions of low-ionized H-alpha. Moreover, these two protrusions intersect perpendicularly two successive streams of ionized hydrogen, which would confirm the excretion/exchange of mass and energy typical of the central system "double 'common envelope'". This very complex term denotes two stars that shared a common shell of plasma for some period of their lives, still rotating around each other within that shell. About 7,000 years ago, this shell was ejected into space, giving rise to the He 2-11 nebula, which is now expanding at about 40 km/s."
"The Spin Nebula, due to its structure and origin, is a bipolar planetary nebula about 2300 light years away, in the center of which is an eclipsing binary system with a variability of about 3 magnitudes in just 14 hours. Morphological, photometric, spectroscopic studies and mathematical models in the scientific literature present the He 2-11 model as a structure characterized by a uniform central core of ionized oxygen and two outer filamentary protrusions of low-ionized H-alpha. Moreover, these two protrusions intersect perpendicularly two successive streams of ionized hydrogen, which would confirm the excretion/exchange of mass and energy typical of the central system "double 'common envelope'". This very complex term denotes two stars that shared a common shell of plasma for some period of their lives, still rotating around each other within that shell. About 7,000 years ago, this shell was ejected into space, giving rise to the He 2-11 nebula, which is now expanding at about 40 km/s."
Takahashi FSQ-106ED
QHY 600M Pro
Heaven's Mirror Observatory, Australia
Date of observation