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Revealing Hidden Details with HDRMT in PixInsight
HDRMultiscaleTransform is a process that uses wavelets to compress mid to large scales, uncovering small details that might be concealed during a histogram transformation. The recent addition of the "To intensity" option has revolutionized this process. This option works in the HSI color space, preserving hue, saturation, and intensity, and integrates a modification to HDRMT by Russel Croman - ColourCorrected HDRMT. Warren Keller from Masters of PixInsight will guide you through the HDRMT process, including the new "To intensity" option. He will also compare it with the CCHDRMT script and demonstrate how HDRMT can be used to reveal hidden details in your images.
Fixing Aberrations and Star Shapes in PixInsight
In this two-part series, Alex Curry delves into the challenges of wide field of view imaging and its impact on your astro images. He'll introduce you to some traditional techniques for rectifying these issues, applicable across various astrophotography editing software. In Part 2, Alex focuses on a novel PixInsight plugin designed for smart image correction and feature sharpening. He'll guide you through the necessary prerequisites and adjustments to optimize the plugin for your specific data.
Useful Links:
Introduction to deconvolution: https://telescope.live/blog/pixinsight-deconvolution-why-we-use-it#:~:text=Deconvolution%20in%20PixInsight%20attempts%20to,it%20can%20in%20the%20image.
Pixinsight deconvolution documentation: https://www.pixinsight.com/examples/M81M82/index.html
SIRIL deconvolution documentation:
James Ritson Affinity Photo macros: https://jamesritson.co.uk/resources.html
Pixinsight GPU acceleration guide: https://telescope.live/blog/how-enable-gpu-acceleration-pixinsight
Hybrid Nebula Processing with Siril and Affinity Photo
In this tutorial, Alex Curry will demonstrate how to use SIRIL and Affinity Photo for stacking and post-processing nebula images.
Alex will explore various tools for creating more visually appealing nebula images in this tutorial specifically designed to enhance creative freedom in post-processing .
This workflow, inspired by Nik Szymanek, is adapted for use with SIRIL and other image editing software.
Expert Narrowband Colour Normalisation Using Pixelmath
Masters of PixInsight tutor Warren Keller will guide you through a challenging aspect of narrowband imaging: equalizing the lightness in the three narrowband filters (SII, OIII, and Ha), which can vary widely depending on the target.
Starting with your stacked data of these three narrowband frames, Warren will discuss and compare various methods such as MTF, LinearFit, and Narrowband Normalization PixelMath expressions by Bill Blanshan. These techniques are used to better balance the color channels in a combined RGB image.
To install the script, add this URL to your PixInsight repository: