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NEW RELEASE - How to Use Affinity Photo’s New Linear Fit Tool for Better Brightness Equalisation
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NEW RELEASE - How to Use Affinity Photo’s New Linear Fit Tool for Better Brightness Equalisation
When stacking monochrome astrophotography you can often end up with a variance in brightness between your master frames. Affinity Photo have developed a Linear Fit tool which can help to balance these differences in brightness before you proceed with any further post-processing. James Ritson from Affinity will show you how to use this tool and how it makes a difference to your final image.
Everything you Need to Know About Working With Linear Data in Affinity Photo
Affinity Photo is an intuitive and affordable image processing tool. With astrophotography data, it is common to work from the linear stage, meaning that your data’s histogram has not yet been adjusted and stretched. There are a couple of occasions when working with Affinity Photo where the data may be represented in a non-linear format when in fact the data is still linear. James Ritson from Affinity will show you these occasions (while not detrimental to your processing) and how you can configure Affinity Photo to always show you non-linear data when it is non-linear.
How to Combine Multiple Observing Sessions with Affinity Photo’s File Groups in Astrophotography Stacker
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How to Combine Multiple Observing Sessions with Affinity Photo’s File Groups in Astrophotography Stacker
In this video tutorial, master of Affinity Photo, James Ritson, will show you how to utilise file groups in the Affinity Photo astrophotography stacker to process multiple observing sessions from Telescope Live. File groups is an important tool in the astrophotography stacker that allows you to better manage your files that are being used for integration, while Telescope Live data is expertly calibrated, James will also show you how to include calibration frames in the stacking process. James will also touch on post processing the output from the stacker, this will involve colour mapping and tone stretching.
Tycho Tracker - An introduction to the ultimate asteroid discovery tool
Tycho-Tracker is a new and exciting software created by Daniel Parrott to enhance the detection and classification of Near-Earth objects and main belt asteroids.
In this tutorial series, Daniel provides an introduction to the software, including how its revolutionary synthetic tracker can refine the SNR of moving targets within a frame.
Daniel will also demonstrate how you can take this newly refined and tracked data through to their precision astrometry tool.
With Tycho-Tracker’s precision astrometry, you will be able to make accurate and precise measurements of your targets.
Before the appearance of Tycho-Tracker, all of the features that it offers were split over several pieces of software, and more often than not, they were outdated.
Tycho-Tracker has brought minor planet tracking and analysis into the 21st century.