Today I wanted to discuss collaborative imaging. Collaborative imaging is where you and some others all go after the same object and combine your data.
I was examining all the discontent that occurs on Cloudy Nights and elsewhere when someone (beginners and veterans) wants to know what the best gain and offset settings are for their particular camera.
I have had difficulties getting that nice Hubble Palette look in the past. Sometimes it would get really frustrating trying to find the right mix to get it going.
Tonight I am going to talk a little bit about light pollution and how it effects us imaging from home. I'll also include a link to a great place to find a good dark site near you, if you have one that is.
Have you ever done an imaging session and wanted to add more detail in certain areas, but didn't have any more subs of the same size and with the same camera and optics, but you did have some from a different set?